My Holiday Diary

La Echo Kids am încheiat cu multă voie bună prima săptămână tematică. După cum spune și titlul, aceasta s-a intitulat ”My Holiday Diary” și am dedicat-o rememorării momentelor plăcute din vacanța de vară. Cursanții noștri au lăsat amintirile să-i transporte înapoi la malul mării, pe crestele munților, prin țări străine sau prin locurile de distracție din București și s-au apucat să-și aștearnă pe hârtie amintirile din dulcea vacanță. Astfel, în micul lor jurnal de vacanță au făcut loc la câte trei mici frânturi de amintiri și s-au întrecut în a-și înfrumuseța în fel și chip memoriile, unii prin desene care de care mai detaliate, alții prin vederi sau chiar fotografii de vacanță. Fiecare a avut șansa de a-și exprima propria individualitate iar rezultatul a fost pe măsura așteptărilor. Dar mai bine vă lăsăm pe voi să judecați singuri pe baza citatelor de mai jos.
”[From July to August] my parents and I went on a long holiday. First, we went to Thasos Island, Greece. I had a lot of fun there swimming. I also got my first set of flippers there. Then we went to Kanakale, Turkey. There I saw Troy. And then we went to Istanbul. We went into the bazaar and bought some things. It was a long trip.” (Theodor Halunga)
“In August I was with my parents at the seaside. We had a great time. I swam, collected shells, walked on the shore and ate lots of ice cream. It was the best holiday because I stayed with my family and friends.” (Alexandra Stoean)
“In August I was in Greece. My family and I decided that we needed to go on a holiday. There I watched TV series every single night. Every evening we went downtown and enjoyed the frozen yoghurt. It was delicious!” (Bianca Năstase)
“In June I was in Jerusalem. I stayed at my cousin’s house. He has got a big house with a pool, a basketball court and a big garden. On the first day we played basketball. On the third day we played tennis. In the afternoon, we went to the gym. At night my uncle made popcorn for us. Then we went to watch TV. It was nice.” (Thomas Dahoud)
“In the summer I did parasailing with my dad. I admired the sea from above, the sun was shining and a gentle breeze was blowing in my hair. I liked it a lot. Next year I’m going to go parasailing again.” (Ala Mușat)
“In July I was in Brasov. I visited the Tampa Mountain. From the top of Tampa you can see the entire city. I also visited the first Romanian school. I sat at 250-year-old desks. I don’t know why but I want to live in Brasov!” (Cosmin)
“In June I went with my family to the beach in Greece. The name of the hotel was “The Blue Lagoon”. I stayed there a week and I liked it very much. They also had a water park. That was amazing.” (Ștefan Paun)
“On the 14th of August I went to Dubai for the third time with my family. There I spent two weeks and went on a safari in the desert and I also visited Abu Dhabi. My favourite day was the second one because I spent it all in the biggest mall in the world and my parents bought me a present because it was my birthday.” (Rareș Andrei)
“I’m at the seaside. Today I’m going to the beach. I’m with my cousins and we are swimming. We are making sand castles, too. Now, we are making bracelets from sea shells.” (Abigail Dincă)
“I’m in a forest. I’m playing football with my father. The ball is red. My sister is very happy. She’s playing with my mum. My uncle is eating an apple. My cousin is drinking water. We are eating fruit, now. They’re delicious!” (Bogdan Ungureanu)
“I’m in the countryside. I’m staying here for a week. I’m playing cards with my friends. Grandpa is in the house. He’s watching TV. Grandma is in the kitchen. She’s cooking an excellent pie. I’m very happy!” (Radu Ciobotaru)
“I am at the seaside with my family: my mum, my dad, my brother and my grandparents. We’re eating at a restaurant on the beach. I’m having a tortilla, soup and a chocolate cake. The food is very good at Margherita’s. I’m making a sandcastle for my grandma but a big wave is coming. It’s destroying my sandcastle! I’m sad now.” (Maria Maxim)
“In September I went with my family to the mountains. There I met Adrian Sana, Antonia, Sore, Lidia Buble and What’s Up. I went to Sinaia Forever and there I ate some cotton candy, some lamb chops and two caramel apples. It was fantastic!” (Claudia Nicolescu)
“If you asked me, the summer holiday was very short. I spent the first part of it on a mountain camp with my friends from school. The weather was wonderful – sunny and with no rainy days. Every day we did a different activity: a running contest, a hiking trip and a riding competition. My friends and I had a lot of fun!” (Iulia Muscalu)
“In August my dad and I went to the mountains. First I went to Bran because we have a house there. We visited Bran Castle, the forest and a museum. On the second day, we went to Rupea to visit the fortress. It was great. When we were going back to Bran we saw another fortress, which was in ruins. We went there, too. It was totally destroyed.” (Odhinn Popovici)

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