Vacanta se apropie cu pași repezi și ce prilej mai potrivit decât acesta să vorbim despre concedii, ieșiri in aer liber, excursii si vizite in locuri interesante? Imediat ce am deschis subiectul la orele de limba engleză, micii noștri cursanți s-au întrecut în a-și împărtăși unul altuia diversele amintiri din excursiile și vacanțele trecute.
Iată câteva dintre rândurile scrise de ei cu privire la ultima excursie cu școala:
“My last school trip was at The Firefighters Museum this spring. I was with my classmates, our teacher and a guide. There were photos, firefighter dummies, uniforms and other interesting things. Our guide was a short woman with curly hair, blue eyes and glasses. She was very nice with us. The weather was sunny and a little bit cloudy and windy. The worst part was when we went back to school!”
by Ștefan Păun, Marile Speranțe
“My last school trip was at The History Museum a year ago. I went there with my classmates and my teacher. It wasn’t a big place and there weren’t many people. This wasn’t the best trip in my life but it was pretty interesting, because at the end we had to draw a picture of something we saw there.”
by Rareș Andrei, Marile Speranțe
“I was at the circus with my teacher last year. The weather was sunny and hot. We went by bus. There were acrobats, jugglers and animals. It was great! The people were very friendly. The best part was when the animals came on stage. The worst part was when the lions wouldn’t listen to the tamer.”
by Ala Mușat, Marile Speranțe
“On 10th April, at 10 a.m., I was at the Călugareni military base with my class. First, we were in a room with very many weapons. Some soldiers showed us how weapons work and how to shoot them. The weather was rainy. Next, we went outside for a military exercise. After that, we came back inside and did some judo and boxing. Then, we went for a ride in a tank.”
by Horia Ionescu, Marile Speranțe
“My last school trip was about three years ago. We were at an old castle which was called Iulia Hașdeu. It was creepy because the guide told us that her father talked to spirits. I think that the guide was in fact trying to scare us. It was also a fun experience. The best part of the trip was when we went to a mini funfair and the worst part was when we went to a church to eat lunch.”
by Bianca Năstase, Marile Speranțe
“I was on a trip at a biscuit factory with my classmates and my teacher. It was sunny and warm. Here, we tasted the biscuits – they were delicious. It was noisy in the factory – I didn’t like that.”
by Teodora Chițonu, Marile Speranțe
“My last school trip was at a water plant in the mountains. The water was called Apa Craiului. I was there in September with my class. It was very interesting because I saw how water bottles are made. That was the best part of the trip. It was awesome!”
by Maria Arghirescu, Marile Speranțe
“On my last school trip I was in Rome with my teacher and my classmates. There were tournaments, games and shows. There were very many people, too. It was like in the old days. The weather was sunny.”
by Rareș Stanciu, Marile Speranțe
“I was at the circus last year. It was funny. I saw acrobats, lions, tigers, zebras, a magician and dancers. They were fantastic. I liked the animals very much. I would like to go again to the circus.”
by Alina Mihăianu, Marile Speranțe
“On my last school trip I was at a restaurant with my class. This was last term. We were the waiters and our parents were the clients. There were many people working in the restaurant. They were nice people.”
by Tudor Aaron Mirea, Marile Speranțe
“My last school trip was at the Boromir Factory. I was there this spring. The weather was sunny. There were pastries. There were really nice people, too. They offered us pastries and sweets. They were very tasty. Then, we visited the factory. At the end, they gave us presents. It was great!”
by Alexandra Costache, Marile Speranțe