The worlds of our dreams

În spiritul copilăriei, izvor nesecat de aventuri şi bucurie, am încheiat, cu mare fast și dichis, săptămâna tematică „My dream world”. Sub pavăza imaginaţiei, ca să ne amintim cum e să fii copil, micii poznași cu vise mari şi-au pus mintea la treabă şi au venit cu idei fantastice.
Aşa că, să citim şi să rămânem surprinşi de măiestria copiilor:
Adelina ne spune că „In my dream world, there are happy children, happy parents and everyone rides bycicles. Children have lots of fun in my dream world.”
De la Andrei aflăm că „My dream world is an Aqua Park where I spend all day long with my friends Matei, Ştefan, Radu and Bogdan. In the middle of the Aqua Park there is a high tower surrounded by a giant water slide. In the Aqua Park, Puffy, my cat, has fun on the water sliders. This is my dream world!”
Năzbâtiile se pot ține lanț în lumea lui Sebi, căci: „My dream world is called A world of joy. In my dream world there are only slides instead of elevators and stairs. There are flying cars and walking balloons. The sun is like a heart in blue and red. In the top of the skyscrapers there is a football field. The school is called House of Bounce. There are stores where you can take for free: Lays, Juice, Haribo and Chocolate.”
În lumea Norei, acadelele sunt la mare cinste. Iată ce ne spune: „The lollipops live in Sweets Land. They are tall and colourful. They wear skirts or special costumes. Lollipops go to school and they play in the playground or play sports. They also learn about their body and town.”
Tot despre un „sweet land” ne scrie şi Antonia Mauch. „I want to live in Sweet Town. It is my dream town. Here we have a pink school made of marshmallow and chocolate. There are many beautiful gardens with lots of pink flowers and trees with money. There are no cars, so the air is very clean. At school, children wear pink uniforms. Children don`t have homework. The food here is very tasty, we can eat many sweets, for example: chocolate, candies and lollipops. My dream house is pink with a little purple. It is made of gingerbread and it is small and cute.”
Theodor a avut o viziune a unei lumi de vis un pic…științifico- fantastică: „My dream world is on another planet, in another galaxy and it is called Bossatronia. Here, people look like us, but they only eat berries with different tastes. My world is populated with Pokemons, each child gets one as a pet and a friend. Pokemons are loyal, even more loyal than a dog. In every town there are 4500 solar panels and in Liberty City, the capital of Bossatronia, there is a Global Power Station, with 2 million solar panels. The restaurants are owned by the government. Every citizen has an Alpha device, a device that serves as a phone, TV, radio, computer, gaming console, GPS, map and compass.”
Proiectul câştigător i-a aparţinut Mariei Carniciu, eleva care ne-a scris despre The Big Fantastic World- „In my dream world, people are funny and nice, but also smart! They have the ability to transform themselves into everything they wish. At the beach, the sea can have any colour, but the colour changes with the weather. There are flowers that have their petals made out of gold, people grow these plants so that they get gold. In my dream world there are printers which scan images and turn the images into real objects. If you scan the picture of a car, you get a car. In my dream world, animals can talk just like humans do.” Sună minunat, nu-i aşa?

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